[Noisebridge-discuss] Tor Bridge for Egypt?

girlgeek girlgeek at wt.net
Thu Jan 27 23:03:23 UTC 2011

I see Jake Applebaum on twitter talking about TOR bridges to help 
blocked Egyptians.  This seems like something that Noisebridge could 
donate bandwidth to.  There are no potential broken U.S. laws if we do.  
Considering Jake's relation to NB, maybe we already are.  If we aren't, 
it certainly is not something that I have the expertise to deal with, 
but maybe someone who does deal with our network can do the necessary.  
I for one am willing to donate bandwidth to blocked Egyptians.

Here is the link to instructions that came in on Twitter
it takes a few clicks RT @*ioerror* <http://twitter.com/ioerror>: Please 
consider running a Tor relay or bridge today: http://bit.ly/18VoZO 
#jan25 <http://twitter.com/#%21/search?q=%23jan25> #egypt 

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