[Noisebridge-discuss] Consensus Handbook Added to Library

Jared Dunne jareddunne at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 02:27:46 UTC 2011

I have donated a copy of an excellent book to the NB library.  It's
intended as a handbook for non-hierarchical groups wanting to make
decisions using consensus.  For anyone intent on improving the
consensus process at Noisebridge, this book should prove to be a value
resource for you.  It's a quick read cover-to-cover and also handy to
flip through.  The main text is under 100 pages, and is followed by 20
page appendix of Sample Dialogues that are pretty useful examples.

Consensus: A New Handbook for Grassroots Social, Political, and
Environmental Groups by Peter Gelderloos

You'll find it on the main bookcase on south wall on the bottom shelf.
 It's filed under Misc > Consensus to the right of the Misc >
Cyberculture section.  If anyone wants to buy an additional copy for
yourself or NB, Bound Together has them for $4.50.

Let me know if you give it a read (or don't) and want to chat about consensus.


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