[Noisebridge-discuss] Need help painting a bikeshed

Albert Sweigart asweigart at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 03:42:21 UTC 2011

I've been meaning to ramp up the functionality of nburl.net. I could
add a textarea to the site so that we could write a simple script that
generates all the parts/XYZ text and then just copy/paste it to the

Feel free to email me any other ideas.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Josh Myer <josh at joshisanerd.com> wrote:
> Short on time, so this is a bit terse:
> 1. I'd love to use nburl.net, but I worry that it's not currently considered
> a core nb service, so it may go away before noisebridge.net does, which
> would make me a very sad panda (hundreds upon hundreds of now-invalid QR
> codes to replace...)
> 2. I don't want to make a bajillion NBURLs for already-stated reasons, so a
> simple nburl.net/parts/XYZ redirect to a configurable URL is all I need.  We
> might want to add a small parameter language to it, but, that's
> overcomplicating something.
> 3. The books thing is neat, good luck with that. (I really like my ex-libris
> embosser, and it looks like one could be had with custom artwork for
> $100: http://customembosserpro.com/hand_held_custom_artwork.php )
> 4. Adding QR codes for all the nburl.net signage would  be awesome.  Google
> charts makes this easy:
> http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=350x350&chl=http%3A%2F%2Fnburl.net%2Fyomomma
> (See what I did there?)
> --
> /jbm

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