[Noisebridge-discuss] First Ever International Tahoe-LAFS Summit (can we host it at Noisebridge?)

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Mon Jun 13 15:46:02 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 07:32:55AM -0600, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
> > How many attendees are you expecting?
> Let's see... probably a max of seven people, usually fewer. It's
> always possible someone I'm not thinking of will show up, so there
> could be even a few more.

Oh, in that case you should have no problem at all -- just show up early
and grab one of the classrooms.  Put up some signs so people know what's
going on, and you're golden. :)

... of course, I haven't been by during the morning in several months,
so for all I know, Noisebridge could be completely infested with
coworking Facebook-game-developers on the 9-to-5 shift ...


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