[Noisebridge-discuss] Enlightenment & its discontents (response to Rachel, Jim, Frantisek et al)

Tony Longshanks LeTigre anthonyletigre at gmail.com
Sat Aug 18 18:24:49 UTC 2012

Rachel Lyra wrote:
Frantisek emailed me privately, but I am responding publicly.

The text of his email is included below. I've done this before....once,
twice, three times maybe? When I felt someone has sent me something
privately that should be addressed by the community at large. In such cases
I don't ask permission, the same way I don't always ask permission when
borrowing things from the web for zines I make. I believe in taking what
you need, to a certain point. I accept a certain amount of "being taken
from" as "That's Life," by the same token. I'm aware when posting a private
message publicly that it is a breach of the usual protocol & therefore
reserved for certain (usually heated) occasions. I've also done it in the
past knowing (to my annoyance) that it would be dismissed as "stirring up
drama," since I know I was branded that way at a time when there was a lot
of inappropriate shit happening @ Noisebridge that I was calling people on.
(I solved that problem by making my visits to NB more sporadic & usually
not staying very long.)

One thing I don't get, Rachel, is that you said you don't as a rule read
NB-Discuss posts, you filter them to your junk bin, is that correct? I
suppose the majority of NB-Discuss posts aren't worth your time, but it
does strike me as a little arrogant that you deign to engender (ha!) a
dialogue on a mailing list that you otherwise ignore. How do you know
others aren't starting dialogues on similarly important matters the rest of
the time?

Perhaps I misunderstand you. I agree with much of what you're saying & even
relate to your fierce attitude in a lot of ways. I think Frantisek & Jim
are good guys, too. This awkward discussion could lead to something
enlightening, purrr haps?

Yr friendly neighborhood Tiger
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