[Noisebridge-discuss] Creation of a "Class" mailinglist

James Sundquist sundquistjames at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 19:57:55 UTC 2012

Moving this to discussion to help hash it out with anyone interested.  Jim
is encouraging the creation of a Class mailing list.  For clarity, it would
require people to use hash tags/clear subject lines in order to avoid
confusion.  Andy on the Rack list doesn't feel hash tags would work, but
I'm more optimistic.  What do you guys think about this?

[Class] Linux SysAdmin - Tuesday Notes
[Class] Front End Web Development  - Questions

Jim's earlier post:

 The thought occurred to me that it might be helpful
to have a general classes mailing list, something that
can be used for any classes or similar event. My guess
is that subscribers would not mind seeing threads re
classes other than theirs and such a moniker might be
easily remembered and more easily managed than a list
dedicated more pointedly.
    I submit the thought for consideration.
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