[Noisebridge-discuss] Master tenant is abusing my friend

Sean Cusack sean.p.cusack at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 00:20:49 UTC 2012

On Feb 28, 2012 3:40 PM, "Corey McGuire" <coreyfro at coreyfro.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> My friend is being abused by her master tenants.  They are kicking her
out without warning, giving her two Weeks to change her life, threatening
to throw her out along with her stuff, and th is is all a surprise.
> Please help.  it might be best for her to leave, but the pressure she is
under and the abuse is intense, not to mention that they are obviously
acting in an illegal fashion.
> Thanks, on her behalf and mine.

I wish I could help your friend! Unfortunately, our house is plumb full at
the moment. Good luck to her.

That being said, I am a master tenant. Kicking someone out of your place
for no reason is actually *not* necessarily illegal. If you are considering
bringing a suit against the master tenants, make sure that she hasn't
signed a sublease agreement. If not, you're correct - she is afforded the
same rights as the landlord-tenant relationship with the master tenant. If
she *has* received a sublease agreement, be careful...there could be a
stipulation in there about eviction for any reason.

I do have my roomies sign a sublease with me, and it *does* have a
stipulation in there that you can be evicted for no reason with a one month
notice. Before you call me a dick, consider the following: your landlord
doesn't really care if you or your roomies masturbate furiously all over
your prized barbie doll collection on a daily basis. However, said owner of
barbie doll collection may be...irritated. Therefore, wouldn't it be cool
to be able to punt them out of the house because of it? That's why people
make those things.

Anyways, I wish the best for your friend. I'll keep my eyes open and see
what pops up.


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