[Noisebridge-discuss] Mediation Course

Espen Sivertsen espen at mememaker.com
Thu Mar 8 06:07:48 UTC 2012

Hi all,

In lieu of [Drama], would anyone be interested in an evening course on how to use nonviolent language and mediate conflicts?

Outside of my day-to-day prototyping experiments, I've done a bit of this, mediating individual, group and (even) gang conflicts in England, Norway, Denmark, China, South Africa and Singapore. I've also grown up in a family heavily involved in peace and reconciliation work in Azerbadjan, Uzbekistan and Palestine.

My approach is basically a mix of Marshall Rosenberg, Johan Galtung, and Human Dignity and Humiliation studies - with a dash of Machiavelli to add.

Drop me a line if you are interested - if I get 5-10 people I will make it happen.

Best wishes,


Espen Sivertsen
US: +1 (415) 359 3370
Skype: EspenSivertsen

Espen Sivertsen
US: +1 (415) 359 3370
Skype: EspenSivertsen

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