[Noisebridge-discuss] No basement access at 2169

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Tue Mar 13 00:15:12 UTC 2012

Hi all,

The landlord asked me to convey the following --

Recently during a routine insurance inspection at 2169 Mission St the
inspectors discovered a few electrical junction boxes in the basement
that had been opened and left hanging open.  This is, of course, a
hazard, and made the insurance people unhappy.  The conduit in question
was standard 1" (or thereabouts) conduit, not the 2" or 4" 'feeder'
conduit that connects between floors.  The boxes in question appear to
service lights and fans in the basement based on a quick visual survey;
I don't see any sign that they connect to Noisebridge.

I've checked around and nobody at Noisebridge has mentioned knowing
when or why these junction boxes were disturbed.  So as far as we know,
this isn't related to us; except that we do share the building with
other tenants.

Of course this should go without saying, but just to be clear --

Nobody at Noisebridge should be doing any electrical or other
infrastructural work in the basement of our building.

If we need access to the basement for Noisebridge-related work such as
phone lines, we should clear it with the landlords; Danny, myself, or
another board member can help coordinate this.


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