[Noisebridge-discuss] pony.noise/gate video feed

Mitchel McAllister xonimmortal at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 12 20:53:47 UTC 2013

--- On Fri, 4/12/13, Danny O'Brien <danny at spesh.com> wrote:
> I'd also note that there are people who disagree with that
> position also, but I am not sure that either side is going to come to
> any agreement, especially on a mailing list. Compromises are
> always possible, but they generally involve sitting together and
> talking things through.

I disagree.

Compromise and consensus both require listening over talking. This is the most common point-of-failure for both.

- Reverend Mik McAllister
"You can see the summit but you can't reach it
Its the last piece of the puzzle but you just can't make it fit
Doctor says you're cured but you still feel the pain
Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain"
 - Howard Jones, "No One Is To Blame"
Purveyor of Subversive Fiction

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