[Noisebridge-discuss] scuzzy people

Bryon Roché kain at kain.org
Fri Apr 19 06:34:34 UTC 2013

Just throwing this out there. All this hyperbole is fatiguing to read. This game of social brinkmanship got boring a long time ago, and it seems to me that all the players involved care more about the last word than accomplishing anything. The ~popcorn~ is a brief diversion, but, please, get original materiels.

Mitchel McAllister <xonimmortal at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Oh, and I did realize that I forgot that I have, in fact, brought one
>person into the space.
>My friend Annie was in the Mission one day in October as part of her
>job, and asked if she could drop off the materials I had asked her for
>as research for one of my fiction projects (hence the acknowledgement
>of her help in "Q'Sera"). I gave her a tour, and she stayed for about
>five minutes after that, to look up a resource that one of the people I
>had been helping needed to resolve their current situation. She has not
>been back since, due to her job requiring her to work more than 50
>hours a week.
>I can see why Tony would call her scuzzy, since she has two Masters'
>degrees and works for an agency that deals with people with mental
>illnesses, finding housing and employment resources for them.
>If it is the consensus of the community that she not be allowed back, I
>will certainly be willing to pass that on to her. I can also provide
>her email address and work number to any of the Noisebridge leadership
>who might feel I am not to be trusted with such an onerous duty.
>During this, no one questioned Tony's allegations of my character.
>*One* person actually suggested finding out if the allegations of
>felony assault were true.
>I am sure that now that the allegations have been cleared up, all sorts
>of people will suddenly weigh in on the subject. No thank you. You have
>proven how dependable you can be in pursuit of excellence.
>In short, shut the fuck up. It's time for the grown ups to talk.
>- Reverend Mik McAllister
>"You can see the summit but you can't reach it
>Its the last piece of the puzzle but you just can't make it fit
>Doctor says you're cured but you still feel the pain
>Aspirations in the clouds but your hopes go down the drain"
> - Howard Jones, "No One Is To Blame"
>Purveyor of Subversive Fiction
>Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
>Noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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