[Noisebridge-discuss] Member shelves

Johny Radio johnyradio at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 22:45:23 UTC 2013

On 12/23/2013 1:50:09 PM, "Al Sweigart" <asweigart at gmail.com> wrote:
>a lot of the shelves I think have been plain forgotten about.
I have found old threads on Discuss about purging the member shelves. 
The nb cycle of binge-purge-binge-purge is not healthy. A process COULD 
be setup to ensure people don't abandon their stuff.

>This was one of the things my locker proposal tried to solve: making 
>sure that the space had storage resources that were available, offered 
>a degree of security, and explicitly maintained by a person rather than 
>a group diffusion of responsibility.

Thanks for that, Al. If NB did not have an open door policy, i think 
that would reduce the need for locks.
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