[Noisebridge-discuss] Noisebridge Feminist Bookclub for Men: starting January 8th

Tom Lowenthal me at tomlowenthal.com
Sun Dec 1 22:47:20 UTC 2013

Hello Noisebridge,

I'm starting a feminist bookclub for men, on the second Wednesday of
the month, starting in January. We'll meet at 7pm and plan to
monopolise the Noisebridge library for an hour. Feel free to RSVP
off-list, but you don't have to.

Our first book will be *Feminism is for Everybody* by bell hooks,
which one can learn about on [Amazon][1], [Goodreads][2] or [Google
Books][3]. It's available in paperback from your favorite book store,
or from many SFPL branches.

Some folks may be wondering why there's any need for a feminist book
club, much less one for men. Has a woman ever told you that something
you said or did isn't okay, but then not spent an hour of her time
teaching you why? Here's an opportunity to understand and learn one
way to be a better person, in a safe environment where you're free to
be wrong the first two times.

Why have a feminist bookclub *for men*? Women shouldn't have to spend
all their time teaching men about feminism, or how not to be jerks.
There's plenty to read on this topic, and men should be responsible
for teaching themselves. Women are of course welcome, but shouldn't
feel obliged to come: there are lots of more interesting things to do
than teach men how to be decent human beings.

See you in January

P.S: Yep, there totally is an event wiki page at

[1]: http://www.amazon.com/Feminism-Is-Everybody-Passionate-Politics/dp/0896086283
[2]: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/168484.Feminism_is_for_Everybody
[3]: http://books.google.com/books/about/Feminism_is_for_Everybody.html?id=0au7QbAJH0gC

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