[Noisebridge-discuss] Lab: Front-end Web Development, WEDNESDAY 8pm

Jeffrey Carl Faden jeffreyatw at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 16:18:54 UTC 2013

On Monday, we learned about CSS positioning. As a bonus, we also learned
about different ways to center content on the page. Here's the video and
lecture materials:

This week's lab is on WEDNESDAY due to a schedule conflict on my part.
You'll be performing a task similar to the stacked boxes we saw in the
lecture, in as many ways as you can:

The lab is a great opportunity to work on the assignment, any other
personal or group project, or ask questions about any aspect of web
development. You don't need to attend the lecture series to stop by.

It's in Turing (not the lecture classroom) on Wednesday at 8pm. Hope to see
you there!

P.S. This is the last week of class for the year. Due to next lecture being
a two-parter, it doesn't make sense to hold it next week and then have the
holidays in between. Next class will be on January 6.

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