[Noisebridge-discuss] It has come to my attention that...

Yan Zhu yan at mit.edu
Sun Jun 23 08:36:27 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I unfortunately could not make it to the meeting last Tuesday, but it seems
that an accurate summary of the decision there is that Carl and Kevin are
designated mediators between Drew and the accusing parties. The meeting
notes <https://noisebridge.net/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2013_06_18> do not
indicate whether there are deadlines for the mediation process to start/end
or whether any part of the mediation process has to be executed

Although mediation seems fair and reasonable, I can completely understand
how someone can get the impression that Noisebridge hasn't given the
situation the attention it deserves just from reading the meeting notes. At
the very least, I would like answers to:
* Has the mediation process started already?
* If so, what has been done? If not, are there ways in which we can
expedite the process?

Given that this is a high-priority issue for not only the involved parties
but also any Noisebridge community members who care about creating a safe,
respectful space, it would be distressing to me to see "mediation" treated
as a black box that eventually solves things. Mainly I'm concerned about
the process taking an indefinite amount of time and making the people who
have been hurt feel like their emotions are being ignored.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Lillian Fleurs
<lillian.fleurs at gmail.com>wrote:

> I mean really? Mediation? For a potential RAPIST.
> What the fuck is wrong with you guys? It's not like I'll ever be back
> there anyways, I have my own life elsewhere. But WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG
> WITH YOU GUYS? You'd happily go into a space with a rapist who hacks but
> won't go into one with a few harmless homeless kid who use the kitchen? You
> guys have some SERIOUS fucking moral issues you need to sort out.
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Yan Zhu
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