[Noisebridge-discuss] Hacknovate, Health IT Competition 2013 {Deadline: 04/30/2012[

Paul A. Vander Waerdt paulvw06 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 10:58:10 UTC 2013

Hacknovate, Health IT Competition
Grantor:ICOST 2013 - 11th International Conference on Smart Homes and
Health Telematics
Region:All Regions

Hacknovate, Health IT Competition 2013

The Healthcare IT competition aims to be a platform for inventors,
scientists and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents on an international
stage. By tackling real healthcare problems and needs, you can take your
ideas to the next level.

Win up to S$10,000 in prototyping grants, mentorships with healthcare
professionals and business development opportunities!

Timetable of events

1 Mar 13: Call for participation. Registration and proposal submission opens

25 Mar 13: Competition briefing with Q&A session for all interested

30 Apr 13: Registration and Submission of proposals closed

15 May 13: Notification of selected proposals for Round Two

18 Jun 13: Competition Day: Conduct of Round Two and Final Round


Individuals must be 18 years old and above.

Students (e.g. university, college, polytechnic), professionals, and SMEs
are strongly encouraged to participate.

Teams selected for Competition Finals on 18 June 2013 must present their
proposals in person. Overseas participants are required to make their own
arrangements for the event, e.g. transport, accommodation.

Competition Requirements

1. Form a team

Form a team of 2 to 5 individuals (team advisors are allowed and not
included in the count). These individuals should, ideally, be from
different and relevant disciplines e.g. business and IT skills to bring to
the table a more holistic, well thought out and more competitive entry.

The organizers may require verification of student status of teams who
participate in the Competition.

2. Register your team

All teams are required to first register at the Registration page before
submitting their Proposal via email. No changes to the team composition
(replacements or additions) are allowed after registration.

3. Submit proposal

Select one of the Competition Challenge Areas.

Conduct background research into the problem area, identifying challenges
that your users may face, and propose a novel solution that is feasible for

Submit your Round One proposal using the Submission template provided.

A maximum of 20 entries will be selected to progress into Round Two. Teams
selected for Round Two will have an opportunity to work with clinician
mentors to further refine their ideas for the Competition Finals on 18 June


Participants retain all proprietary rights to the innovation. Details of
the plan will only be circulated for judging purposes, and any hard copies
will be returned by the judges to the participants after the judging is

Submission Requirements

All submitted materials must be the original work of the participating
team. Participants will have to ensure that they do not infringe any
intellectual Property (IP) rights of external parties.

Round One – Email submission only (closing date: 30 April 2013, 5pm)

Your proposal must be submitted using the template provided. Word count
must not exceed 1000 words.

All submissions must be emailed to hacknovate at gmail.com in PDF format. The
maximum file size is 3MB.

Submission deadline: 30 April 2013, 5pm.

Teams selected for Round Two will be notified by 15 May, and will be
assigned a clinician mentor to work with for their Competition day on 18

Hacknovate - Competition Challenge Areas

Participants are strongly encouraged to conduct their own background
research before developing any ideas or proposal. This research should
uncover the issues in their Challenge area, identify the challenges faced
by that target population, and develop a solution to address the challenges.

Challenge 1: Keeping track of medications

Many patients are on long term medications and/or have to take a variety of
medications for multiple health issues, some having to consume more than
ten types. Some patients with chronic diseases like diabetes require blood
sugar monitoring along with their diabetic medications.

With chronic diseases, patients often have difficulty keeping track of the
changes in medications and/or dosage over time. Patients and caregivers
find it difficult to remember when to take medications at the correct
times, and also to track medication intake.  Often, they are also concerned
about the medications, such as the side effects, drug or food interactions.

Proposed solution should address one or more of the challenges that you
identify in your background research.  Examples: hiVIVA, AdhereTech

Challenge 2: Improving social interactions for elderly

Elderly patients are often isolated at home, or are alone for long periods
of time. Many tend to be less mobile and/or have memory issues, leading to
increased isolation and loneliness. This may have affect their mental well
being and have adverse consequences such as depression.

Proposed solution should promote social interaction to and connectivity
among family, friends or even between senior citizens themselves, and
address one or more of the challenges that you identify in your background

Challenge 3: Reducing Caregivers Burden & Stress

Looking after the elderly and/or handicapped is never easy. They are often
expected to care for the patient at home without adequate training and may
feel alone in their care of the patient.

Some common challenges faced by caregivers are juggling of other life
commitments and the strain on family income. Some may lack care giving
knowledge and the awareness of social services available. They often
experience feelings of being physically and emotionally drained, or may not
feel confident of their role and in turn feel stressed. Caregivers are
seldom recognised for their role in caring for the patient.

Proposed solution should address one or more of the challenges that you
identify in your background research.

Challenge 4: Promote Healthy Diet

Surrounded by a ‘food culture’, there is a tendency for Singaporeans to
overeat and/or eat unhealthily. There is a trend of increasing rates of
health risk factors such as raised blood pressure and obesity, which can
lead to chronic problems e.g. diabetes and heart disease.

Keeping good dietary habits can be difficult due to lack of motivation or
awareness. Sometimes, people find it difficult to make the right food
choices or have limited accessibility to healthier foods. In recent years,
many IT solutions are being developed to help improve diet habits.

Proposed solution should address one or more of the challenges that you
identify in your background research.  Example: Health Promotion Board
(HPB) health app.

Round Two – Presentation: Healthcare Concept (event day, 18 June 2013)

Each team will be given 10 mins to present to a panel of judges, followed
by a 5 min Q&A.

Teams are to prepare a power point presentation, not exceeding 10 foils.
Presentation guidelines will be provided.

A prototype demonstration is strongly encouraged (paper wireframes or
simple mockups acceptable), but not mandatory. A prototype demo will be
given extra credit as compared to an entry that has no prototype demo.

Selected teams will go through to the Final Round.

Final Round – Presentation: Complete Business plan emphasized (event day,
18 June 2013)

Each team will be given 15 minutes to present their complete business plans
to the judges and audience, with 5 mins Q&A.

In the absence of a technology demo, all participants will have to ensure
that their business idea must be technology ready.

Scoring will be based on audience vote (20%) and judges’ evaluation (80%)


The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any teams who violate the
rules, regulations or spirit of the competition.


For enquiries, please e-mail us at hacknovate at gmail.com.


The organizers reserves the rights to change the rules and times of the
events when required. All registered participants will be notified via
email should there be changes.
 Original Announcement:http://www.icostconference.org/hacknovate_news
Categories:Health Care
, Informatics  <http://www.scangrants.com/category/informatics.aspx>,
,Geriatric Pharmacy<http://www.scangrants.com/category/geriatric-pharmacy.aspx>
, Gerontology  <http://www.scangrants.com/category/gerontology.aspx>, Health
Promotion <http://www.scangrants.com/category/health-promotion.aspx>, Family
Caregiving <http://www.scangrants.com/category/family-caregiving.aspx>,
Innovation <http://www.scangrants.com/category/innovation.aspx>
Audience:Technologist, Biomedical Engineer, Inventor

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Paul A. Vander Waerdt
Telephone: (415) 448-7121
Email: paulvw06 at gmail.com
Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulavanderwaerdt
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