[Noisebridge-discuss] Get the F Out!

Gopiballava Flaherty gopiballava at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 20:43:09 UTC 2013

On Mar 14, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Garrett Mace <garrettmace at gmail.com> wrote:

> Pssh, it's obvious that drinking fluorinated water from an early age leads to sufficient credulity and paranoia to accept government conspiracies about fluorinated water and killing 2,000 office workers who knew too much.

Do you know what age range(s) are critical for this effect? Do you know any good historical fluoride concentration data sources?

I need to figure out whether my selective credulity has a definitive neuro-chemical cause, or if it's just a generalized character flaw.

I left the US when I was fairly young, so I suspect the effect wasn't complete. The first protest I went to was somewhat anti-government and co-organized by me. Maybe I would've realized how infallible Congress was if I'd had my full course of fluoridated water.

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