[Noisebridge-discuss] March against Monsanto, 25.

Garrett Smith dhtmlkitchen at gmail.com
Tue May 21 06:04:43 UTC 2013

March against Monsanto, 25.

Bees are a key issue.

Why? Without bees, we miss out on a lot of stonefruits, yams, okra,
kiwi, lemon, tangerine-- OK? And for those who prefer none of that,
this is a 15 billion dollar per year industry. It's a big fucking
deal, OK?!

That is why all the major biotech companies are scrabling in a massive
campaign to deceive us all.

They use front groups, such as the WWF, U.S. Farmers & Ranchers
Alliance is a front group.

They suck in big-name investors like George Soros, Bono, and Bill Gates

Trusting the corporations and FDA is an issue.

These businesses have a history of murder. I'm not kidding. They
knowingly seek to kill large numbers of humans with poisons and
weapons of war.

Monsanto was heavily involved in the creation of the first nuclear
bomb for the Manhattan Project during WWII and in the production of
Agent Orange with DuPont in Vietnam War. And they're still trying to
use a component of Agent Orange, 2,4-D for growing corn.

Bayer who, along with BASF, was an IG Farben member, manufactured
famous Zyklon B. Bayer and BASF employed many high profile Nazi\
doctors who, at their companies' behest, eagerly performed medical
experiments on inmates at Auschwitz. Bayer was later sued by surviving
victims. More recently, in 1986 Bayer shipped out aids-tainted
medicine to Asian countries after the FDA forbid them to sell them in
the US and after France rejected them, knowing full well what they
were. But the FDA helped Bayer export those drugs, though. And people
are still buying Bayer products?!

Monsanto even bought the leading bee research firm, making it
effectively a front group.

And all the big biotechs along with GMA all fought against informed
consumers knowing what's in the food by dumping tens of millions into
defeating prop 37 in CA with deceptive advertising.

And to top it off, they're trying to look like the concerned
responsible corporate citizen, with their front groups.

It is time to put an end to feel good sophistry and happy horseshit.

During the march I will also be promoting my project,

If yo think this is silly, then we can do this in person on the 25th.
That is all.
Twitter: @xkit

Twitter: @xkit

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