[Noisebridge-discuss] Girls Hack

Andrew Byrne andrew at pachakutech.com
Wed Oct 23 05:58:55 UTC 2013

I hate to say this, but it's my understanding that he punched someone in
the head, not the neck, and /that/went without ejection until his history
of sexual assault came to light; if you know hearsay to the contrary, I'd
ask you to investigate and find out who sat on the court documents for
months, but I think the pedo history was promulgated fairly quickly.

On Oct 22, 2013 5:30 PM, "Hannah Grimm" <dharlette at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hiliare,
> I think it's awesome that you're working towards this; however, as someone
> who teaches 11-13 year olds, I absolutely do not think that Noisebridge is
> currently a safe place for them.  We harbored a known *pedophile* for
> months, and there were people in the community who knew his history, but he
> wasn't removed from the space until after he punched someone in the neck.
>  If you want to do this, then be ready to stand guard eagle-eyed and
> actively defend them and remove the creepers for their vicinity.  Don't get
> me wrong, we're absolutely making progress as a community, but I'd be wary
> of bringing young girls in.  I think it might do more to discourage them
> than encourage them, to be honest.
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Andrew Byrne <andrew at pachakutech.com>wrote:
>> And a relevant link from our intrepid reporter, Holly McDede:
>> Ladies Last: 8 Inventions by Women That Dudes Got Credit For
>> From computer programming to nuclear fission to the paper bag machine,
>> it's time to stop erasing these women from their great works
>> http://www.motherjones.com/media/2013/10/ada-lovelace-eight-inventions-women-erasure-credit
>> Good read; I knew about Pert, but only b/c Sol Snyder is a legendary
>> prick like that.
>> -AnB
>> On Oct 17, 2013 4:45 PM, "Hilaire Nollette" <metatecque at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hmmm,
>> Because I come from a background of education, i may read between the
>> lines where others don't...
>> They need a Lab... All the good labs of the 90's that were built for the
>> schools have become sadly deprecated (why can't we have nice things?)
>> Noisebridge has a fully functional electronics lab, and then some.
>> I am hearing from educators all over the bay (and the US) that technical
>> education is severely lacking in public-schools.
>> Can we be that Gap filler?
>> I am happy to teach, and I know others are.
>> I see Noisebridge as a "sandbox" where we can develop a model that makes
>> learning fun and easy.
>> Lemme see some positive feedback, please?
>> And Thank You,
>> Hiliare
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