[Noisebridge-discuss] Girls Hack

Brink Of Complexity brink.0x3f at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 21:12:02 UTC 2013


Your statement was "we didn't have these sorts of experiences for women
when I was growing up".

That statement is FALSE by virtue of the word "when". And I have evidence.
And ignoring my, and others, first-hand evidence in favor of political
tropes is called marginalization.

It doesn't marginalize YOU for me to tell you that you are marginalizing an
entire 15-30year span of women who climbed uphill to get that evidence by
saying it doesn't exist.


If feminist activism loses a politicizing "ally" who ignores facts, makes
ad hominem attacks, and counts contributions in terms of work hours rather
than quality of dialogue because of this discussion, then *that* might be
the most valuable contribution I've made yet.


On Oct 30, 2013 2:00 PM, "Elizabeth Hubbard" <annie.nutt at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I never inferred that.  You just want to be offended because you don't
have the go-ahead to do anything for feminism other than criticize other
people.  Stop marginalizing my experience.  I'm never volunteering at
Noisebridge again, after I do this (and I'm going to be stonily silent the
entire time for this one, so people don't catch my rural cooties), since
you know so much about education in rural Georgia.  I know quite a bit
about that topic.  It's gotten somewhat better.  You're just jealous
because I'm going around being excellent while you're busy being a PTSD
trigger to other feminists and killing their drive to make the world a more
excellent place.  Go be a jerk who has no feminist credentials whatsoever
to someone else; I'm removing myself from this list.  Too much negativity
here for me to get all the positive shit I need to accomplish accomplished.
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