[Noisebridge-discuss] Why I was asked to leave

immonad immonad at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 2 23:00:56 UTC 2014

As Dana and I was moving the fridge X asked me if I was going to put it or Craig's list.

I replied that I had not such plans.

He then asked if I could guarantee that would not happen. 

I replied that I couldn't.  

At that point he said "then I am going to ask you to leave"

I replied "then I will also ask you to leave".

Shortly we did so, met outside and resolved our differences. 

-------- Original message --------
From: immonad <immonad at yahoo.com> 
Date:04/02/2014  3:36 PM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: Hannah Grimm <dharlette at gmail.com>,daravinne <daravinne at gmail.com> 
Cc: Frantisek Apfelbeck <algoldor at yahoo.com>,NoiseBridge Discuss <noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net> 
Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Cooking in the space, update 

The stove was never to docractic decision.  It was never condensed.  Why make it so?  Why so many against making rules and growing bureaucracy now want to make this an exception?  

How many times has this come up?  Someone always steps up to say they will make sure the problems will not persist.   How long has that ever held true?

You have read Diana's last post.  Burn out, all too common a reason for losing fine people.  This was after being stopped from dismantling the kitchen by a group who lives at NB.   Despite all the posts supporting this action almost nobody actually stepped up when it was happening. 

I did and for that was asked to leave NB to which I complied.

-------- Original message --------
From: Hannah Grimm 
Date:04/02/2014 12:18 PM (GMT-08:00) 
To: daravinne 
Cc: Frantisek Apfelbeck ,NoiseBridge Discuss 
Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Cooking in the space, update 

I vote we get rid of the stove and instead get an autoclave.  Autoclaves are no good for cooking meals, but GREAT for fermenting or sterilizing things.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:26 AM, daravinne <daravinne at gmail.com> wrote:
when i first started doing 5mof a few years ago, part of the ritual was getting there from work and taking a nap in a comfy chair before i started doing event-related stuff.  

frantisek was one of the first people i ever encountered at the space and his implementation of tastebridge was focused and well-run.  i didn't really see it as a problem that he was living at the space, since i noticed that after he was ejected, less productive and helpful people replaced him, and the overall cleanliness and good working order of the space declined. him being there most of the time was a great benefit to the space, because he did genuinely care about the state of the space he was using and made up his use of resources by providing the intangible service of near-constant management.  i do read all his emails, and i agree with praveen that his insights are valuable, possibly more so than other people who are currently overseas and continue to post to the list.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Johny Radio <johnyradio at gmail.com> wrote:
Some of the best nb hackers have slept at nb once or twice.
Nb has only ITSELF to blame. When you open the door to all comers, don't be shocked at their behavior.
------ Original Message ------
From: "Ceren Ercen" <ceren at ercen.com>
To: "Jeffrey Carl Faden" <jeffreyatw at gmail.com>
Cc: "Frantisek Apfelbeck" <algoldor at yahoo.com>; "NoiseBridge Discuss" <noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net>
Sent: 4/2/2014 8:53:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Cooking in the space, update

Frantisek, you covertly squatted in the NB space, and got all apology-tastic when you got caught. 
You should have the sense and humility to recuse yourself from all topics that are addressing the serious problem of "how do we stop people from trying to live in the space".  Even if it's your pet "I like to ferment things" workspace. 

Somehow, you don't have the clue or grace to back the fuck off. So I will suggest it for you. Back away from this thread, no one read your rambling email. If you're distressed, consider that it's actions like YOURS that made it impossible for Noisebridge to have a pleasantly luxurious kitchen. Great job. 

- Ceren 

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Jeffrey Carl Faden <jeffreyatw at gmail.com> wrote:
Reminder: biotechnologist & kvasir and hacker Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck from Kasiri, Jeju repeatedly slept in the off-limits south stairwell at Noisebridge, so anything he has to say about proper use of facilities should be taken with a grain of salt.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:55 AM, Frantisek Apfelbeck <algoldor at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi to all,
Just few notes on the kitchen, I have run and helped to equip many around the world and on variety of hacker events especially in last few years under the Food Hacking Base project which the Tastebridge was a first step I would say. It is interesting to see so many hackerspaces going forward on biotech, food hacking and brewing with Noisebridge being one of the forerunners with amazing set up around 2010 and 2011 and now well ...

stove - crucial. If you do not have a stove you can not cook most of the meals and brewing is an issue for many types of beverages, also you will have really problem to sterilize - pressure cooker works fine if you have one. Kitchen without stove is close to not being a kitchen, biotech applications need sterilization most of the time and heat treatment of ingredients is often crucial (and microwave is not a cure for everything).

fridge - very important. To keep you perishable food ingredients, cultures and of course nice cold drinks it is more or less necessity, at least for reasonable food and beverage hacking. Kitchen without fridge is doable but quite an issue.
preparation place - working bench if you like, crucial. Having some space to work on is crucial especially if you want to work fast and safe. Do not underestimate the height of the bench it hits your back if is too low or too high. This one is really important on hands on workshops.

sinks - crucial. For keeping the place clean and the work flow continuous sinks and preferably running water are really a key. If you do not have it, you are in trouble. Dishwasher works too, but well sink is sink. 

storage - for dry ingredients especially. If you want to play around you need your ingredients and they need to stored properly. Stainless steel or glass well sealed work very well, plastic is a good cheap alternative. Insect and rats may be an issue if they get out of hand which was a case in the building many times so this one has to be kept in mind. 

The answer to how to keep the kitchen clean is both simple and complicated. The way which works for me and projects in which I'm involved is to get together people who enjoy playing with food, hacking, brewing, biotech and consuming&enjoying the products of their efforts and let them to organize the spot, sometimes poke them a bit if the things go out of hand. Better environment you have from the point of view of equipment/infrastructure and funds, more likely you are to form a nice and vibrant community around it and enjoy their achievements. Note as most of  the things in community the social interactions are really important and preparing and sharing the meals and drinks brings together people really well.

Best of luck with your kitchen plans, try to keep it nice and functional, it will pay off eventually. However even if you decide to destroy it, which I do not consider wise because it will not touch a core of the current problem, when the time comes, it will be build again, it will just require bit more dedicated people than if it is already standing and ready to be used. 

Sincerely from Kasiri, Jeju,

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

PS Just a note, yes the Noisebridge community has a major social issues and to start to resolve them lots of time and energy from people who are socially developed and sensitive will be needed, the question for you now is how to get them involved and enjoy their work and being productive. 091 labs in Galway, Ireland are running for a brewing classes for a while and it is generating lots of positive interest. Add some tech related project like the experimental incubator build up and you can start to move the things forward in a sound way - friendly, social and organized. 

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


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