[Noisebridge-discuss] (no subject)

Mitch Altman maltman23 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 2 01:16:24 UTC 2014

Hey Max, 

We aren't open to the public 24/7 anymore.  But you are totally welcome to come and visit!  I'd recommend between 17h & 23h, since more people will be around. 

Thanks for the IndieGoGo support!  And thanks fur carrying the token over the great waters. 


Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 01:05:12 +0100
From: awambawamb at gmail.com
To: noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] (no subject)

Hello there!

I am Max, and I am a member of the Nottingham Hackspace ( http://nottinghack.org.uk/ ). A part of our most active members donated for your Reboot campaign on Indiegogo.
 happens that my girlfriend and I will be on holiday in california for 
the next two weeks, and we will be in San Francisco from the 15th to the
 17th October. Since I was going there, I've been asked to deliver a 
token virtually connecting our spaces - I wonder when I could pass by 
the hackspace to deliver it? Is it open 24/7, I suppose.
Also, I would really like to visit the Noisebridge Hackspace if it's possible!

Best Regards,

Massimiliano Cavallin
M.Sc. in Ecodesign, Politecnico di Torino

Freelance Designer
Via Nino Costa 6, 10020 Riva presso Chieri (TO), ITALY ### Viale Diaz 11/B, 10023, Chieri (TO), ITALY
mobile: +39 349 13 50 692

e-mail: massimiliano.cavallin [at] studenti [dot] polito [dot] it / awambawamb [at] juno [dot] com

skype: awambawamb

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