[Noisebridge-discuss] Maker Faire 2015 - Noisebridge booth update.

jarrod hicks hicksu at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 00:46:41 UTC 2015

We had a good first meeting and have worked out some initial plans. As a
result of our discussion, the tabletop light detail has been revised


We are dividing the table top into two layers which will be cut together,
but then one side will have the resin cast and the other, bottom layer,
will carry the lighting and wiring.

The plans have also been updated on the project wiki page:


Next Thursday 2015/02/12 19:00 - 21:00 we will meet in the Noisebridge Shop
and start building test pieces to see how the table top will work. We will
be using the router to cut channels in wood boards, these boards will have
sections of LED strip lights and glow wire, and hopefully other things
installed and other boards will have resin, and other things, cast into
them.A few days later we can look at the results.

If you have ideas for other was to test using resin and electric lighting
to make a glowing tabletop, please let me know. Linking to specific
products and materials is appreciated.

If you would like to help with the tests, please come by.


Further meeting info:

If you plan to work with the resin, please wear long sleeves / fully
covering clothing. The resin can be very bad for you skin.

Other things we still need for next Thursday:

mixing cups, stirrers, a propane torch, disposable gloves, translucent
resin add mixtures, spray adhesive, acetone.

If you happen to have any of the above that we can have or borrow please
drop it in the RED TOOLBOX labeled "Maker Faire 2015" on the project

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