[Noisebridge-discuss] This Thursday: 8pm: 5MoF! Fungi! Compilers! Sewing! We've got it all!

Torrie Fischer tdfischer at hackerbots.net
Wed Jul 15 02:23:41 UTC 2015

   _  _   _____
 _| || |_| ____| Noisebridge 8PM third Thursdays
|_  __  _| |__   Years and Years of Childlike Wonder and
 _| || |_|___ \  Adult Technological Themes in
|_  __  _|___) | San Francisco's 1885th Finest
  |_||_| |____/  Hacker Show and Tell.
 __  __  ____  ______
|  \/  |/ __ \|  ____|
| \  / | |  | | |__      THIS WEEK!
| |\/| | |  | |  __|         FIVE MINUTES OF FAME!
| |  | | |__| | |       ITS ON A THURSDAY!
|_|  |_|\____/|_|            OH YEAH, AT 8PM!


Thats right kids, this month's Five Minutes of Fame is less than twelve years 
away! To be more precise, its only two days! Its a technically correct 
statement and thats the best kind of correct.

Five Minutes of Fame is Noisebridge's "monthly" "interactive" "event".

For an hour, ten people will be given five minutes each to talk about whatever 
they want. For those five minutes, the audience's complete and total attention 
is in the hands of the presenter. Presenters are encouraged to blow their 
minds using this awesome power granted to them for those five minutes.

If you've got a presentation in mind, let me know! Ping me with your nym and 
optionally a title for your presentation if you have one:

tdfischer at hackerbots.net PGP: C40F2998

Last minute entries during 5mof itself are welcome, encouraged, and totally 

Some brief highlights from this month's speaker queue:

* Fungi & Parataxonomy in the Neotropics
* Puns and Compilers

Hope to see you there! Bring some cash too for a $10 suggested donation! We'll 
be begging for more of your donations to keep this crazy dream alive, and 
nobody is turned away for lack of funds. Bring a friend! Or three! Or your 
whole kinky poly family!

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