[Noisebridge-discuss] FW: Oracle maker space

Mitch Altman maltman23 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 19 03:46:30 UTC 2015

I forwarded the following message to the email list, but the attachment was too big, so I'm forwarding again, but without the attachment.  Please contact Jason directly if you're interested in more info.

> From: maltman23 at hotmail.com
> To: noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net
> Subject: FW: Oracle maker space
> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 19:32:12 -0800
> FYI,
> I'm forwarding this call for people from our "press@" email.
> It's from Oracle. They want "makers" to be part of a "maker space" at an Oracle conference in San Jose at the end of January.
> In exchange for a free ticket for the conference, they want a "maker" to work on their project at the space in the conference, and talk to visitors who come by.
> Seems to me that Oracle gets the better end of this deal.
> Best,
> Mitch.
> ----------------------------------------
>> From: jasonirwin at me.com
>> Subject: Oracle maker space
>> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 10:05:26 -0800
>> To: press at noisebridge.net
>> I’m curating a maker/DIY space for a large Oracle event in the Bay Area, in late January 2016. I’m looking for nearby individuals, groups and companies that have projects and they’d like to showcase. I’ve attached a ppt to tell you a little more about the event. A donation of money and possibly machinery will also be part of the arrangement.
>> I’d love to talk to someone there more about it!
>> Thanks,
>> Jason Irwin
>> 323.528.7416

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