[Noisebridge-discuss] Sort 'N Snack today at 7pm at Noisebride! - Help Organize the Electronics Parts!

Douglas Benner greenshoos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 09:00:16 UTC 2015

Thanks James for organizing this, and thanks James, Henner, Mari, Adam, and
whoever else helped. we got a lot done, we are still far from finished
though. We will be doing this again in 2 weeks, any and all help will be
greatly appreciated, so mark your calenders. Yay NoiseBridge!

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 5:53 PM, James Sundquist <sundquistjames at gmail.com>

> Today, in an hour, we will eat snacks and sort parts at Noisebridge from 7
> - 9pm.  Feel free to join us!  Nothing other than enthusiasm necessary.
> Thanks,
> James
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