[Noisebridge-discuss] soldering copper sheet metal
jim at well.com
Sun Nov 1 02:56:19 UTC 2015
Thanks for the tip. Tomorrow's picture taking
time and also a four kinds of glue trial. I'll
definitely try to get in touch with flgs.
On 10/31/2015 03:46 PM, maestro wrote:
> maybe try contacting the folks that make metal sculptures @ flaming
> lotus girls in S.F. ...
> they're a S.F. troupe and pretty damned skilled and knowledgeable
> working with all kinds of metals and different heat(s)...
> <<http://flaminglotus.com/about-flg/>>
> good hunting...
> message ends.
> _____________
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 2:06 PM, jim <jim at well.com
> <mailto:jim at well.com>> wrote:
> ("Why didn't you say you were sending the wolf? sheee...,
> that's all you had to say...!")
> That's the same advice as the two experts I talked
> with (you're in good company). One suggested I try
> https://www.mscdirect.com/
> which has got a huge catalog of various industrial tools
> and materials.
> I've got two different copper sheets, both from R. J.
> Leahy in SF (specializes in copper, brass, bronze...);
> one piece is 30 gauge, the other is 24 gauge, both rolled
> and available in 12 inch by <you-name-it) lengths. My
> attempts with each are the same. I can get 'em up to bright
> red, but the solder rolls off like water....
> On 10/29/2015 08:44 PM, Winston Wolff wrote:
>> How about finding different copper sheet? I can only think of not enough heat or some contaminant in the copper.
>> —Winston
>> Winston Wolff
>> Stratolab - Games for Learning
>> tel:(917) 543 8852 <tel:%28917%29%20543%208852>
>> web:www.stratolab.com <http://www.stratolab.com>
>> Play Electropocalypse -- our new game about electricity --http://stratolab.com/electropocalypse/
>>> On Oct 29, 2015, at 1:43 PM, jim<jim at well.com> <mailto:jim at well.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Musti,
>>> What the hey! I'll try it.
>>> On 10/29/2015 08:26 PM, Musti wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>> depends on what you are trying to do, but maybe just use spot welding?
>>>> You might as well try Aluminum soldering flux, which enables to solder
>>>> it like a charm, if you ahve the right thin it will . This flux smells
>>>> really really bad.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Musti
>>>> On 29.10.2015 21:18, jim wrote:
>>>>> Nothing's working. I talked to two different
>>>>> experts, one a plumber the other a bike mechanic.
>>>>> both are surprised and both guess that the copper
>>>>> sheets (12" wide copper rolls I bought from R. H.
>>>>> Leahy in SF) must have a tiny amount of oil that's
>>>>> embedded a couple or atom's distance into the
>>>>> surface of the copper.
>>>>> I've tried various fluxes, washed 'em with
>>>>> borax, lye, sodium carbonate (all high base), and
>>>>> with alcohol, paint thinner, acetone, and muriatic
>>>>> acid. I've scoured 'em with fine and with coarse
>>>>> sand paper, by hand and with an electric hand
>>>>> sander.
>>>>> My heat sources have been a propane torch and
>>>>> also a 950 degree soldering iron. I've used tin-
>>>>> lead and also silver solder.
>>>>> The result is that the solder burns and
>>>>> browns with what seems like little disks from
>>>>> popped bubbles and all solders bead up and roll
>>>>> off.
>>>>> Somebodies know how to work with sheet copper
>>>>> to make rain gutters, art, etc.
>>>>> I've looked into copper glues, and reviewers
>>>>> warn that some products are of poor quality, other
>>>>> products work but cannot withstand mechanical
>>>>> stress....
>>>>> I'm gonna try adhesive copper tape, maybe
>>>>> double it up if I need the strength.
>>>>> On 10/25/2015 11:58 PM, Cere Mona Davis wrote:
>>>>>> There is a special kind of flux for solding to copper. . Seen it at
>>>>>> ace hardware. Alternately, you can possibly try borax with a little
>>>>>> water.
>>>>>> On Oct 25, 2015 4:37 PM, "jim" <
>>>>>> <mailto:jim at well.com> <mailto:jim at well.com>jim at well.com
>>>>>> <mailto:jim at well.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I've soldered electronics and plumbing and
>>>>>> am stuck trying to solder copper sheet metal.
>>>>>> I've used a soldering iron and a propane torch.
>>>>>> I've used alcohol, acetone, and paint thinner
>>>>>> to clean the copper as well as fine and coarse
>>>>>> sandpaper to clean the surfaces. I'm using
>>>>>> electronic flux (haven't yet tried plumbing
>>>>>> flux).
>>>>>> The soldering is not working: solder does
>>>>>> not flow or adhere to the copper, and there's
>>>>>> a brown residue that appears after heating.
>>>>>> Using a torch for forty or fifty seconds
>>>>>> results in flame that does not immediately
>>>>>> expire.
>>>>>> Anybody got tips?
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