[Noisebridge-discuss] mattermost.noisebridge.net - an open source slack alternative
Patrick O'Doherty
p at trickod.com
Sat Nov 7 00:01:00 UTC 2015
hey folks,
last night I deployed an instance of mattermost for Noisbridge so we can
try it out as an alternative to slack.
you can sign up for an account here
The plan is to let this run for a week, try it out and see what people's
thoughts on it are.
If we end up liking it and wanting to switch I'll dump our slack data
and import it such that we keep our history.
You should then be able to log in @
LMK if you have issues / feedback welcome
p.s. yes it's a self-signed certificate with the following fingerprints
SHA1 Fingerprint=8B:1E:66:CE:24:7D:6F:D2:36:C4:D0:14:BE:03:93:E9:3A:03:7A:AD
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