[Noisebridge-discuss] cryptopal exercise working group
danukasan+nb at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 09:24:06 UTC 2015
translates to misstep in french...we use em' interchangeably. :P
On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 12:52 AM, Trent Robbins <robbintt at gmail.com> wrote:
> what does faux-pas mean in french xanada? in the US, we say it to say
> someone "put their foot in their mouth"
> T
> On Wednesday, November 4, 2015, Danukeru <danukasan+nsbrg at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I should be available for a good majority of these meetings if we set a
>> date one every 2 weeks.
>> The cryptopals sets do touch on a number of interesting problems, and I
>> should be able to clarify as to why certain things are implemented in any
>> particular way ie. what makes a good compression function for a
>> cryptographically secure hashing algorithm.
>> Some things such as length-extension attacks are not touched on at a
>> lower level in cryptopals. Such as the fact that the SHA2 family of
>> algorithms uses the same HMAC as presented for SHA1. However the same
>> doesn't have to be done for the new SHA3 family of algorithms (read:
>> merkle-damgard construction [MD5, SHA1, SHA2] vs sponge construction[SHA3])
>> As such I would encourage people coming to also bring their own thoughts
>> to the table.
>> Essentially, fair warning: the cryptopal challenge sets are a good way to
>> focus on practical problems, but it should be taken as only scratching the
>> surface of crypto implementations faux-pas.
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Justine De Caires <
>> justine at minerva.kgi.edu> wrote:
>>> I would love to get into a crypto-working-group-party thing! Every other
>>> week sounds brilliant; like Trent, there's lots going on for me this week.
>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Trent Robbins <robbintt at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am totally interested in this. I can make time for it each week or
>>>> even better every other week. Not this week unfortunately with all the
>>>> coreboot stuff.
>>>> T
>>>> On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Patrick O'Doherty <p at trickod.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hey folks,
>>>>> a while back I mentioned possibly creating a cryptography paper reading
>>>>> group. chatting to folks this idea has somewhat changed into a study
>>>>> group for folks to work through the matasano cryptopal challenges [0]
>>>>> together.
>>>>> they're a series of 48 exercises that demonstrate weakness in common
>>>>> cryptography, which for some might be a nicer way to learn w/ real
>>>>> application over academic reading, though I'd love to mix both!
>>>>> I've been working on these for a short while and would love to get
>>>>> together with anyone interested in hacking on these together.
>>>>> I'll be at the space tomorrow afternoon which I know might be too short
>>>>> notice for folks, so how about maybe some weeknight this coming week?
>>>>> p
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> --
> (Sent from cellphone)
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