[Noisebridge-discuss] Bay Area Renter's Federation @ Noisebridge
organic_unity at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 5 05:35:30 UTC 2015
Building condos and luxury housing seems to be something the Bay Area Renter's Federation (or SFBARF) supports.
I just took a look over at their website (http://www.sfbarf.org/) and saw this:
They clearly say No on Prop I (in the largest font no less), which is nothing but a very modest short-term measure at limiting luxury condos in the Mission. Myself and others in the community collected signatures to get it on the ballot, as it was entirely a grass-roots effort to stop more monstrosities like Vida (on 21st) and the Maximus (10-story 175 million dollar) condos planned for 16th Street BART.
(some brief info on Prop I for those that don't know: http://abc7news.com/politics/sf-voters-reject-prop-i-moratorium-on-building-in-mission-district/1067337/
They also clearly say Yes on Prop D which does nothing but remove the height limits that were fought in last year's Prop B:
With these height limits removed, more condos and ultra-expensive buildings can now be built in that area. One of the points of height limits is to keep that from happening.
How is this stance not in support of the building of condos and luxury housing in this area?
On Wed, 11/4/15, Torrie Fischer <tdfischer at hackerbots.net> wrote:
Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Bay Area Renter's Federation @ Noisebridge
To: noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 6:38 PM
On Wednesday, November
04, 2015 07:18:34 PM Zach R wrote:
> So it is amazing for
me to read here that NB-ers
> support
100% the building of condos and luxury housing in this
area. Kind
> of blows my mind.
That kinda blows my mind too!
I don't even see anyone in the thread making
that sort of statement.
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