[Noisebridge-discuss] NEEDED Hackers for social good advisory board

DC Spensley spensley at pacbell.net
Thu Nov 19 18:31:14 UTC 2015

Greetings esteemed Noisebridgers,

Thank you once again for providing an awesome venue for The WRONG New Digital Art Biennale. 

I have a “public good” project in the third round with the SF Tech Council on a project that will benefit San Francisco’s nearly 10,000  homebound residents. 
This is not the usual start-up project in that it embodies the more noble spirit of hacking, and not so much the greedy spirit of the usual tech start-ups. There is a small bit of funding coming and the possibility of more pending a green light on feasibility, which is why I need knowlegable advisors on the board. Selected board members will receive honorarium. 

I am seeking a person or persons who have field experience with iOS and Android development and delivered products on these platforms. 
Also seeking someone with experience with Digital to RF and RF to Digital technologies. 

Please feel free to email me at dc at spensley.com

We will convene once a month.

Thank you.


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