[Noisebridge-discuss] Hello bridge?

Christoph Maier cm.hardware.software.elsewhere at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 22:29:26 UTC 2020


nubcore bounced my first message, so I write a second one.

> On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 11:02 PM X <x at nubcore.com> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > If you are interested in hearing more and want to be part of the discussion
I am interested what happens to noisebridge, even though its Founding
Fathers are in exile now, like me.

> > please respond to this thread with a hi and something you are working on or would like to hack before the end of the year.
> >
I have found an "Asylum for the Homeless" [Theodor W Adorno, Minima
Moralia, 18.]
in Tübingen, Germany, and I'm working on some kind of Turing test to
prove that I can have a meaningful discussion with my new neighbors.
Some time in November, I want to enter the USA for a short stay,
mostly in San Diego.

Is this un-robotic enough for your mail filters?

Confused as usual,

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