[Rack] Mailing list request: noisebridge-release

Danny O'Brien danny at spesh.com
Thu Apr 19 22:40:08 UTC 2012

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Ben Kochie <ben at nerp.net> wrote:

> What about the noisebridge awesome blog Danny is working on.

I think we can do all of these things -- I'd certainly like a better way
for people to say what they're doing... I like noisebridge-release.

I think whatever it is, the challenge is priming and maintaining it. I'm as
bad as anyone for starting up something like this, and then letting it
trail off by not whipping up enough excitement, or redirecting people for

Maybe if we want it to be reasonably high traffic, we could call it
noisebridge-commits and encourage it to be a place where people dump info
on work going on?


> -ben
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, Wladyslaw Zbikowski wrote:
>  Hi Jonathan, thanks for your comments. I am aware of
>> noisebridge-announce but I feel it's not quite the right mailing list
>> for this, for a few reasons.
>> 1. I am looking for a much lower barrier for release announcements
>> than -announce offers. -announce is great to make a single
>> announcement about a new project which has made a significant
>> achievement of broad interest, and I would encourage people to post to
>> -announce as well in this case.
>> In the other case, I want to elicit announcements from people whose
>> projects might otherwise go unannounced. For instance I personally
>> have 5 or 10 github projects which could benefit from users, but have
>> not had a formal 0.1 release. I do not think these projects would be
>> worth reading about for most of the (1000's of) people on
>> noisebridge-announce and I don't feel comfortable using
>> noisebridge-announce for that purpose. I'd prefer to send it to a
>> group which has specifically opted in to this kind of announcement.
>> 2. I envision noisebridge-release as a high-traffic mailing list which
>> would dwarf -announce. A young and active project may make releases
>> every week, if not every day. 20 or 30 people announcing weekly
>> releases would be overwhelming for -announce.
>> 3. noisebridge-release could be of interest to a distinct set of
>> people who may not want to read -announce. For instance people at
>> other hackerspaces, or LUGs, or others interested in free software and
>> hardware who don't want to read about events at the physical space.
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Jonathan Lassoff <jof at thejof.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:09 AM, miloh <froggytoad at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Ben Kochie <ben at nerp.net> wrote:
>>>>> That's what noisebridge-announce is for.
>>>> I think he was following directions at the bottom of
>>>> https://noisebridge.net/wiki/**Mailinglist<https://noisebridge.net/wiki/Mailinglist>
>>> Which is a page that also specifically calls out "-announce".
>>> Personally, I'm in favor of fewer mailinglists, rather than more. The
>>> more we add, the more we fracture our online mailinglist community.
>>> As described, those type of announcements are probably appropriate for
>>> -announce, provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is high enough.
>>> e.g. "hey, I built this GPS implementation on an FPGA for
>>> high-altitude ballooning. Here's the git repo ..." would be awesome to
>>> get vs "Hey, I built some LED throwies last night. We're going to go
>>> toss them on the fire escape tomorrow night" would be less exciting to
>>> have filling mail spools.
>>> (though now that I think of it, throwies are actually quite fun...).
>>> --j
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