[Tastebridge] Brewing

Michael Lyons cprmichael at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 02:00:03 UTC 2011

Hi Tony et al,

 I've been brewing for about 15 years and I admire your intentions. However, I urge you to do your homework before you start. Mead, is delicious though takes at about a year to become really drinkable and honey is not particularly cheap.
As for beer,  I've popped out a 5 gallon keg of beer in 2 weeks that is as good as any store bought, and we do have all the equipment to make all the beer we can drink. However, the last time I checked, the price of the ingredients do not make this  very cost effective endeavor. Consider $45+ for the malt extract, hops and yeast to make 5 gallons x 4 quarts x 2 pints, that's $1.13 per 16oz pint of beer that may or may not taste any good. [Note: I am talking about making beer from Malt Extract, which takes about 3 hours of actual brewing time. There is an alternative process, All Grain or Full Mash, which I have only done once. This technique, though cheaper, is much more involved and time consuming and N.B. is not currently currently equipped for it]

Consider that Trader Joe's has Mission Street beers (made by Firestone Walker) which are quite good for $5.99/6pack, and Costco has a large variety of "microbrews" (including Sierra, Lagunitas, Newcastle and Stella) for $22/case of 24, or $0.91 per 12oz. 

If anyone would like to try out brewing for fun the fun of it, I'll be happy to help in any way I can. Also I have some great books on the subject that I'm happy to lend out. Or check out the SF Brewcraft on Clement St. or Oak Barrel on San Pablo, in Berkeley, which both sell supplies and offer classes.

 I have never made wine myself, however my friends who have done it all seem to have a connection at a vineyard to supply them with grapes.

What I would really like to find is a recipe for some nice alcoholic swill that uses cheap, plain bulk sugar and doesn't need fancy ingredients like malt, hops, honey or grapes. Anyone?


 From: Tony K. LeTigre <anthonyletigre at gmail.com>
To: Roger H <domitron at yahoo.com> 
Cc: Tastebridge <tastebridge at lists.noisebridge.net> 
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Tastebridge] Oyster Mushroom update

Someone said the other night - around the time we were preparing Thanksgiving dinner - that we should never have to buy beer, wine, etc @ the Bridge, since we can brew our own. I wholeheartedly endorse that sentiment. With my very next UI payment - which I should receive by this time next week - I would like to purchase the necessary supplies to brew a batch of mead (honey wine) and/or beer. I haven't made either before but I have a good recipe for mead and a rudimentary knowledge of what it will take to make it. I would like to engage in this brewing adventure with the help of others - anyone interested! You can email me (anthonyletigre at gmail.com) or find me at the Bridge. I'm there practically on a daily basis of late. In fact I'm going to be heading there this evening, in a couple hours.
Of course, it will take a while for mead or beer to be ready to drink. We may have to purchase our provisions in the meantime to get us through till then.
For non-drinkers: I am also interested in solid (non alcoholic) foods! The biolumniscent mushrooms sounds brilliant (literally, as well as figuratively).
I'm also a "housing hacker" you might say with Homes Not Jails - we have our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm - for anyone who doesn't know, and may be interested.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Roger H <domitron at yahoo.com> wrote:

I have a Shiitake liquid culture nearing completion after only one week of spinning.  I will use it to start spawn bags full of millet for you guys.  Shiitake has hardy mycellium but may not be so forgiving for the substrate as oysters.  In particular I would be pretty surprised if it will fruit on old coffee grounds, but I think it is worth a try.  Still I would have some of the cheap sawdust from Lazzari ready.  I'll have the spawn ready in a couple weeks and drop it by along with a completed bag of the Stipticus that you guys can fruit out (it is a bioluminescent mushroom).  
> From: Matthew Downs <downs.matt at gmail.com>
>To: Tastebridge <tastebridge at lists.noisebridge.net> 
>Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 8:51 PM
>Subject: [Tastebridge] Oyster Mushroom update
>Greetings Tasters! 
>Just dropped-by to check on the babies.  Filled the humi.  We're able to get about 4 days between fills now with the humistat.  Thank you to everyone who contributed to this wonderful innovation!
>There are about 5 of the coffee grounds blocks remaining and all of them are fruiting!  Hopefully we'll be getting some fat flushes from these over the next few weeks.  Our chamber is pretty well contaminated with bread mold...we've pitched several blocks, but the tree oysters are so hardy they are fighting it off.  We removed the dry saw dust blocks from this summer.  I took the uncontaminated ones home, hydrated them, broke them up and burried them under a layer of sheet mulch.  Hooooping this will start to colonize my garden bed, which is mostly woodchips and cardboard at this stage. We'll know in a few months...if this works out, we could have a nice source for spawn.
>As you may know, Rikke has moved to Atlanta for a few seasons, so Natalie and myself are now sheepherding the fungus project.  I want to give a shout out to Rikke for all her hard work over the last several weeks --cleaning the chamber, keeping an eye on everything, just being generally passionate and awesome.  Our current plan is to let these blocks fruit out, then tear down the chamber.  If there is interest, we may continue to do batches in the future.  Personally, I'd love to try to get some shiitake going, but we need to tear down, thoroughly clean and rebuild the chamber if we're to fight-off the mildew and contamination.  Depending on how the current fruiting goes, we may wait ot tear down until after the first of the year.  
>i'm having a minor medical procedure inside my nose, so I will not be able to be there this Monday thru Wednesday, will plan to meet next Monday 12/9.
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