[Tastebridge] [Noisebridge-discuss] Food at OHM2013

Frantisek Apfelbeck algoldor at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 23 06:12:37 UTC 2013

Hi to all,
Many thanks to Mitch for mentioning the Food Hacking Base (fhb) project here. 

For the ones who remember the more active times of Tastebridge the Food Hacking Base (fhb) is lets say the international continuation of that project. If you were in Europe for big CCC events you most likely met us there, for the ones who did not - fhb is an 
open platform for people/hackers who are interested in experimenting 
with food&beverages and coming together on a big hacker events like 
CCC conferences, camps as a kind of family, group or village pick your 
own. More info here


It is a special time for us now because after two years of being active on bigger events and more or less “dormant” in the meanwhile, we are 
starting to move towards lets say “permanent continuous” activity. We 
have registered our domain foodhackingbase.org and most importantly for 
this list and the moment we started our first crowd sourcing campaign at Indiegogo

which you are most likely familiar as a alternative to a more famous Kickstarter, which we unfortunately can not use because of being Europe based for now (and well energetic drinks are definitely one of our adventures :-)).  

Yes, we will serve food at OHM however there are several other goals which for example are:

- serve as a food hacking hub, providing as much open kitchen/lab to people who are interested in experimenting

-  place for donation based workshops on various related topics (no one turned away for lack of funds) like for example matelade

- building washing facility for us and the community use (as on the last CCC camp - with big help from Noisebridge by the way :-)) and most of all

- hexayurt based cold room which is the big project of this event (well at least for us)


There are tons of other activities which are directly related to “who is in”, so matelade is going to be big, so will be mate sodas and wide variety 
of probiotic drinks. As usually we are big on vegan staff, so that is 
going to stay, another bit crazy for many is our “Kombucha cosmopolita” 
project where we try to hack a worldwide collection of probiotic 
kombucha culture SCOBY’s from all around the world creating super rich 
“Kombucha cosmopolita” (yes I’m behind that one :-)).

Anyway this is just a short overview of what we are after. As you can see we 
do food but actually the “catering” is rather limited to people who are 
really into our staff, vegans or people with special dietary 
restrictions, plus as on previous events whoever is interested from the 
Hackers on a Plane project which is in again. If you are after the food 
in I would say restaurant style (plus fun’s of beer) you should really 
check out on Milliways they will be there as always and by the way their crowd sourcing campaign 


actually served as an inspiration to our one (yes yes old good copy, past, edit 
:-)) (I was not asked to post the link here but well should not hurt 
because better they do, more options for everyone and they helped us 
quite a bit at the last CCC camp event whenever we asked …).

I hope that you will find our project of Food Hacking Base interesting, 
if you can please promote, support and of course pop in at OHM 2013!

Sincerely for fhb,

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

PS I'm keeping an eye on the Noisebridge discuss quite a bit, can not wait to be around again, so much happening! I wonder how much did the social situation at SF Bay changed since 2010, looks like getting more tense.

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

 From: Mitch Altman <maltman23 at hotmail.com>
To: NoiseBridge Discuss <noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net> 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:23 PM
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] Food at OHM2013

For anyone going to OHM2013, please consider contributing to the Food Hacking Base IndieGoGo, and get lots of yummie food throughout OHM! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/food-hacking-base-at-ohm-2013/x/115618

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