ZinesFromOuterSpace New Problem!

miloh froggytoad at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 18:35:32 UTC 2012

It's -6C and snowing outside

Sorry I've been web-passive and silent on the comms for a day...  I've
been working on the 'berlin spread' which is 2.5 weeks late.   And of
course, I'm still working on it, now freezing my fingers and feet off
inside the cowerk Oberholtz cafe on Rosenthalerplatz.  map it:

A few issues to cover:
First, we have lurkers on this list.  I like lurkers, they are
potential workers.
Hey Lurkers, will you come out and help with this project?  It's a big
one with lots of roots growing into unexpected places.  We need an
admin, graphics people, printers, photographers, illustrators,
reporters, and people with big ideas.  Zip is going to need ideas and
more support to wrap up this issue and to take

Next  issue.
Preserving the project so others can take it up means upping some more
basic infrastructure.

so we now have a bug & issues tracker at the following URL
everything for print and online can go in here, although try read up
on filing concrete bugs that  are actionable.

an example of a issue that could be created:  create a mission for
potential zip reporters to use to get bootstrapped from scratch.

Penultimate Issue:
I'd like the content of the zine to be able to proudly state 'CC' or a
similar license.  With any incorporated copyrighted works we can't
state this. I want to outline pros and cons, and do a classic weighted
balancing comparison on this after the first issue.

Last issue.  Introduction
Introducing Cap'N'Max, a good friend of mine and a friend to
Noisebridge although you wouldn't know it by looking at the security
cam footage (I mean he's never there, not the other thing you thought
of first) . Max has lots of ideas for articles and experience with
*printing*.  Yes, actually *printing*, <i>would you believe?</i> .  Hi
there, token curly haird guy.

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