ZinesFromOuterSpace Vertical business cards / Vive le Renaissance

Tony Longshanks LeTigre anthonyletigre at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 10:42:00 UTC 2012

Dara -- Sorry to say I don't have a PSD of the ZiP biz card -- I always
flatten my files & save them as TIFs, I don't keep the PSDs. If you want to
alter it, you should still be able to do so w/ Photoshop though. If you
don't know how I can show you some pointers *Thursday if you'll be at the
8pm meeting!*

I plan to show up early - 6pm - to laser cut something sweet for show &
tell. Since rumor has it the laser cutter computer is back from leave.

Speaking of business cards, I designed another one last night I kind of
like. It's another rule-breaker: a "profile" (vertical) business card
rather than the conventional "landscape" (horizontal) kind. What do you
it a breakthrough, or totally nutty? I think it has lovely colors &
a retro look & is so odd it will cause people to give it a second look &
try to figure out what the hell it is. I like enigma, & believe in it as a
marketing tool. People like a little mystery, the allure of a riddle or
puzzle. It's no fun when you have all the answers served easy on a paper
plate. I'm going to print some, anyway.

I'm worried that we don't have any code stuff for ZiP02 so far....(Cc to
Josh....can you confirm you're going to write part 2 of your v68k piece &
send to me by March 15th? I need to know)....other than that, though, it
looks plump & juicy. Quite a lineup!

Check it out - a leftover/B side/ZiP01 extra
have more too...)

I'm moving back into the Mission today. Happy Days are Here Again!

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