ZinesFromOuterSpace [Noisebridge-discuss] [not spam][exciting news] And now a self-important message from Sir Richard Branson.....

Jonathan Foote jtfoote at ieee.org
Fri May 4 09:04:16 UTC 2012

Splendid! You are to be commended sir.

I wished to read this on my [[VILE PROPRIETARY READING DEVICE]] so I
took the liberty of glomming all the jpgs into a giant pdf hairball.

Here ya go! https://www.noisebridge.net/images/5/50/ZIP02.pdf

There are some duplicated pages as wget found some multiple page
versions, sorry 'bout that -- too lazy to right-click-download all the
individual pages.

Also I'm too lazy to upload it to github, but here in all its glory
are the 13 lines of Python what did the job.

"""" makepdf: take all the jpgs in the current directory, sort them,
and combine them into a pdf ebook for viewing on vile proprietary systems  """

# you need reportlab and PIL for this. Get them here:
# reportlab (for PDF generation) http://www.reportlab.com/software/opensource/
# PIL (for reading in images) http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
# no closed source was used in the glomming of these jpgs!

# to get all image files: $wget wget -r -l 1 -U Mozilla -t 1 -nd -D
zine.noisebridge.net -A jpg

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.platypus import  Image
import glob

c = canvas.Canvas("ZIP.pdf",pagesize=letter) # create the empty output pdf

imfiles = glob.glob("./*.jpg") # get a list of all the jpgs in the current dir

imfiles.sort() # KINDA in the right order

for f in imfiles:

    print "adding file " + f
    pageimage = Image(f, letter[0], letter[1]) # read in the image
    pageimage.drawOn(c,0,0)   # stuff it in the pdf
    c.showPage()  # render the page

c.save() # write the pdf file

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Tony Longshanks LeTigre
<anthonyletigre at gmail.com> wrote:
> Click this link
> http://zine.noisebridge.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Branson_ZiP.jpg
> Sounds like somebody could use a little Anarchy Enema. And we've got it! The
> second chapter of ZiP: Zine in Progress. Featuring the long-awaited,
> vetted-and-approved-by-RMS-himself, painstakingly transcribed interview
> with......RMS!
> Here, for your reading pleasure and convenience, is a fully linked, easily
> clickable, individually paginated list of contents. Help out by notifying us
> of any mistakes you see asap, as I plan to print (finally) tomorrow.
> Contributors: your copies will be ready this weekend, or by Monday (May 7)
> at the latest. Everyone: please read, forward, & help promote! We did it all
> for you....and the nookie.
> ZiP MegaZine #2
> "Anarchy Enema"
> April-June 2012
> Rated GBT (General Bad Taste) for nudity, crudity, lewdity, profanity &
> clinical insanity
> Front cover
> Zx003B - Table of contents
> Zx003C - Introducing ZLang! (The Whimsical Wizard)
> Zx003D - What means "NRK NMA"?
> Zx003E - Code Hero Feature part 1: The Birth of Code Hero (Gavin/Gnnr)
> Zx003F - Birth of Code Hero p2
> Zx0040 - Birth of Code Hero p3 (end)
> Zx0041 - Hexenverben / Zine review: Stressfaktor (Svenja Ubl)
> Zx0042 - Great Names in Hackerdom: Richard Stallman, Ken Thompson, Bill
> Gosper
> Zx0043 - One Hour Alone with Richard Stallman (Interview by Tony Longshanks,
> Wladyslaw Z, & Josh Juran)
> Zx0044 - RMS interview p2: full page photo by Marco Prenninger
> Zx0045 - RMS interview p3
> Zx0046 - RMS interview p4
> Zx0047 - RMS interview p5
> Zx0048 - RMS interview p6 (end)
> Zx0049 - Consumer report: Etymotic's mc5 headphones (Adam Engelhart)
> Zx004A - Hacking Consciousness: the Psychedelic Resurgence (by Daniel
> Jabbour, Psychedelic Society of SF)
> Zx004B - Hacking Consciousness p2
> Zx004C - Hacking Consciousness p3 (end)
> Zx004D - EFF Roundup: a report on digital freedom (Adam Engelhart)
> Zx004E - Reportback: Agency Salon, Langton Labs, San Francisco, 3/4/12 (Tony
> Longshanks)
> Zx004F - 3-Paragraph Essay: Facebook vs. Privacy (Noah Paulagees)
> Zx0050 - Consumer review: enema kit found at Noisebridge (Colin Oscopy)
> Zx0051 - Reportback: BIL Conference (Daravinne)
> Zx0052 - BIL p2
> Zx0053 - BIL p3
> Zx0054 - BIL p4 (end)
> Zx0055 - Robert Han's Not-So-Bad Idea (text & page design by Robert Han)
> Zx0056 - Ghost page: Pirate Parties International & Raspberry Pi (Tony
> Longshanks)
> Zx0057 - ZiPCode: x68k (Josh Juran)
> Zx0058 - x68k p2
> Zx0059 - x68k p3 (end)
> Zx005A - Code Hero Feature part 2: Interview with Alex Peake (James
> Sundquist)
> Zx005B - Alex Peake interview p2
> Zx005C - Alex Peake interview p3
> Zx005D - Alex Peake interview p4
> Zx005E - Alex Peake interview p5 (end + footnotes)
> Zx005F - Zine review: Xerography Debt / "Enema haiku"
> Zx0060 - Why I Love(d) Noisebridge (Justin Doerr)
> Zx0061 - Hacker profiles: Francisco and the Art of Vinegration (Tastebridge)
> Zx0062 - Francisco p2
> Zx0063 - Francisco p3 (end, w/ note about field trip to Costa Rica in 2013)
> Zx0064 - Mushrooms of Northern California part A (Alan Rockefeller)
> Zx0065 - Hacker profiles: Tatiana, Maker of Pirate Jackets (Sewing)
> Zx0066 - Tatiana p2
> Zx0067 - Tatiana p3 (end)
> Zx0068 - True Story of the Noisebridge Logo (Tony Longshanks)
> Zx0069 - Hacker Horoscopes (Daravinne)
> Zx006A - Horoscopes p2 (end)
> Zx006B - AFJ! Practically Joking (Tony Longshanks)
> Zx006C - Mushrooms of Northern California part B (Alan Rockefeller)
> Zx006D - Politics: Nobama (Glamortramp) / Food review: Nico's Tacos (Adam
> Engelhart)
> Zx006E - The MADE (Vonguard, with photos of the GDC by Carl Gorringe)
> Zx006F - The MADE p2 (end)
> Zx0070 - Review of David Graeber's Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology
> (Martin MacKerel)
> Zx0071 - Hacker Crossword Puzzle: Clues
> Zx0072 - Hacker Crossword Puzzle
> Zx0073 - In Defense of Poetry: "When I Go to Minnesota" (Valerie Shields)
> Zx0074 - Closing Credits / Acknowledgements / ZiP03 teaser
> Back Cover - featuring advance praise for ZiP02 from America's least
> influential critics!
> ZiP MegaZine is a polymathematic, pro-Discordian panthology of hackadelic
> variegation, autopublished on a quasi-quarterly basis under the auspices of
> ZFOS (Zines From Outer Space)
> ZiP Zine Zone (ZiP online)
> Order Print Copies @ $6/each + shipping: zipzine at riseup.net
> _______________________________________________
> Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
> Noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net
> https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss

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