ZinesFromOuterSpace 24 HOURS LEFT to fund the film about Cyber Security!

Judith Ehrlich mousethatroaredfilm at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 09:00:03 UTC 2012

To all the hacktivists & lovers of the internet out there...

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a new documentary by Academy Award nominee Judith Ehrlich

** 24 hours left to fund the film about cyber security and the fight for transparency!

Dear Noisebridge Community,

We have 24 hours left to fund our film on Indiegogo. This film features one of the founding members of Noisebrige, Jake Appelbaum, as he and Birgitta Jónsdóttir work toward the same goal– free speech online with freedom to information.

THE MOUSE THAT ROARED investigates one of our most pressing global challenges—how to extend the hard-won rights of democratic societies into the digital space where much of our communication now takes place. Through a character-driven film we explore the question, “Is the Internet to become what WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange calls ‘the most significant surveillance machine that we have ever seen,’ or is it to be a platform for innovation, creativity, justice and community building?”

We have 24 hours left to fund this film. Can you help? This campaign has soared on social networks, and your voice can make it sail even farther.

Thank you!

Judith Ehrlich & the Mouse That Roared Team
Dear Noisebridge Community,

We have 24 hours left to fund our film on Indiegogo. This film features one of the founding members of Noisebrige, Jake Appelbaum, as he and Birgitta Jónsdóttir work toward the same goal– free speech online with freedom to information.

THE MOUSE THAT ROARED investigates one of our most pressing global challenges—how to extend the hard-won rights of democratic societies into the digital space where much of our communication now takes place. Through a character-driven film we explore the question, “Is the Internet to become what WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange calls ‘the most significant surveillance machine that we have ever seen,’ or is it to be a platform for innovation, creativity, justice and community building?”

We have 24 hours left to fund this film. Can you help? This campaign has soared on social networks, and your voice can make it sail even farther.

Thank you!

Judith Ehrlich & the Mouse That Roared Team

** LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/MouseThatRoaredFilm)
** FOLLOW US ON TWITTER (https://twitter.com/MouseRoaredFilm)
** CONTRIBUTE TO THE CAMPAIGN (http://www.indiegogo.com/MouseThatRoaredFilm?c=home&a=539241)
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