[Neuro] Fwd from Margaux Phares on Facebook

Mitch Altman maltman23 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 28 07:36:28 UTC 2016

I'm forwarding this message from Margaux Phares, who left a message on the Noisebridge Facebook page:

     "Hi there, I'm a science journalist with MIT researching tDCS for a piece I'm writing. I came across your group on Meetup and I'm intrigued -- are you doing anything with brain stimulation/hacking this week? I'm in the area for a few days and would love to check out what you're up to with it. Otherwise does anyone in your group work with tDCS and be open to chat for a few minutes?  I can be reached here or mphares at mit.edu. Thanks, looking forward to hearing your thoughts!"

J answered her, and gave her Jade's email address.



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