[Digitalarchivists] Scanner Pickup Tomorrow

newmy51 at gmail.com newmy51 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 22:14:32 UTC 2013

Hi DA List,

We're scheduled to pick up the new and improved scanner from IA's secret
underground bunker in Richmond tomorrow at 11AM.  So far, Dany and myself
are on board (John has to work).  Would anyone else like to come?  This
will be our first look at IA's customizations on the Reetz Kit, complete
with a full hardware and software orientation, q&a, etc.

At the moment, I'm looking into renting a car for the purposes of being
able to take the scanner back across the water to Noisebridge.  If any of
you are interested in coming *and* have a car *and *have room for two dudes
and a book scanner, that would save me about $50 and be greatly appreciated.


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