[Digitalarchivists] Library Genesis & Next Meeting

Vinay Pimple vinay.pimple at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 23:15:02 UTC 2014

Next Thursday works for me.

On 9/17/2014 1:40 PM, newmy51 at gmail.com wrote:
> DAGroup,
> I just created an account over at the Library Genesis forum, and 
> posted a little DAG intro at the following post:
> http://genofond.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7415
> I would encourage any/all of you to create a presence there 
> yourselves, as the site appears to be an excellent resource on 
> scanning, image processing, OCR, output/file formats, etc.  There is a 
> good chance that a lot of our troubleshooting with the Reetz scanner, 
> among other projects, can be made easier through working with LibGen's 
> membership.
> That aside, I think it's time for another Thursday ale & archive 
> meeting.  Does next week work for everyone?
> Yours in Spores,
> -Danny
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