[Fab] Laser cutter not working

David Liu david at iceboundflame.com
Fri Feb 21 01:16:04 UTC 2014

Tried the laser cutter yesterday but it does not seem to be working.
Pressing the laser test button works (burning laser comes on, set to
~13mA). However, the burning laser turns off when the head is in motion.

For example, I tried using the "Jog" buttons in Retina Engrave while
holding down the laser test buttons. The burning laser turns off then comes
back on when the head stops. This thus burns dots, rather than lines. When
the head is in motion, though, the ammeter still displays ~13mA solid, and
doesn't drop at all.

Thus, when engraving anything, nothing is printed as the head is in
continuous motion. Any ideas what might be wrong?

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