[German] Two phrases, one of them "ironic".

Jason Dusek jason.dusek at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 00:16:05 UTC 2010

  I have a Russian friend I correspond with now and again.
  We discuss German some times (she went to high school
  in Germany).

  We talked about these two phrases today:

    Als guter Freund sollte ich keine schlechten Gewohnheiten unterstuetzen.
    Als guter Freund sollte ich deine schlechten Gewohnheiten nicht

  The latter, I'm told, would be "ironic" in German. A direct
  translation in English would make it the more direct of the
  two. What do you all think?

Jason Dusek
Linux User #510144 | http://counter.li.org/

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