[EEG] Re: A new lurker

Michael O'Bannon mob at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 13 15:50:16 UTC 2009


I started out using some of the early Autogenics Systems EMG and EEG 
equipment.  The A-620 was my first system in clinical practice.  Since 
then, at one time or another I've used the TT Procomp+ and Infinity, J&J 
I-330 and C2+, Brainmaster AT-1, Waverider, and Pocket Neurobics A3 and 
Pendant.  I also have the Discovery and Mitsar multichannel EEG 
systems.  If I'm beginning to sound a bit like a hardware geek, the 
title seems to fit.

For the past couple of years, I've been experimenting with algorithmic 
music generation driven by physiological measures.  The most convenient 
hw/sw for my purposes there is the C2+ or AT-1 with BioExplorer or 
BioEra and max/msp for music generation.  The C2+ and BioExplorer are as 
trouble-free as any combination I have ever found.  The Pendant is 
useful for untethered (BT) work.  The steepest part of the learning 
curve is not really the equipment.  It's knowing how and where to place 
the electrodes, how to get and keep a solid signal from the scalp, how 
to control noise from the environment (and from the person whose EEG you 
are monitoring), and how to tell when you are seeing a reliable EEG 
signal.  (Please forgive me if I'm telling you things you already know.)

As far as electrode locations, those depend on the purpose of the work.  
In the neurofeedback practice, I treated mostly anxiety, ADHD, TBI, and 
a bit of depression.  In clinical practice you can determine electrode 
location a couple of ways: you can run an individual QEEG and work at 
those sites that show activity out of expected limits, or you can use 
protocols established from theoretical models and validated by 
research.  For TBI and some ADHD, I use QEEG.  For anxiety and 
depression, there are some very good protocols that work consistently.  
For non-clinical work, a good place to start is the research lit on the 
cortical functions of interest, then verify with some QEEG recordings.

Right now, I'm experimenting with improving cognitive and creative 
performance for peak performance and for age-related decline.  Most of 
that work is done with the active electrode at central or parietal 
midline (Cz, Pz) , ref and gnd at A1 and A2 or nearby mastoid.  The 
protocols increase eyes-closed dominant rhythm frequency (often called 
alpha but not always 8-12 Hz) and/or teach task-related control of high 
theta (~5-7 Hz).

How far along is your project right now and what do you need to keep it 
moving forward?

Best regards,

R. Michael O'Bannon, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Atlanta, GA  USA

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