[Noisebridge-discuss] Teaching programming for artists and designers

Scott Murray shm at alignedleft.com
Fri Aug 1 13:43:25 UTC 2008

Brian, Andy, Rachel, Arram and others —

Super!  I'm happy to hear that there's so much interest in this idea.   
To respond to some of your questions and comments:

> Are you thinking of a multi-day (N saturdays in a row), two-session,  
> or
> single-day workshop?

I was originally thinking that a multi-day schedule would allow more  
time for learning.  It could be once a week for a few weeks, with a  
fairly loose structure.  I would start out with the most basic  
concepts and then progress from there, but of course people would be  
encouraged to pursue their own ideas, so I think after covering the  
very basics, it would be more like a collaborative workshop and less  
of just me talking to the whole group.  It also wouldn't be a problem  
if someone has to miss a class.

However, now you have me thinking:  Maybe it would be better to do a  
single-day workshop first, just to gauge the level of interest.  In my  
experience, though, it's hard to really absorb basic programming  
concepts in one day (at least for me -- it helps to spread it out),  
but I'd be open to anything.

Rachel:  I looked at the wiki, but wasn't sure where to list it.   
Should I just go ahead and set up a "planned events" page, or  
something like that?

Also, thanks for the offer of a projector.  It's great to know that so  
much equipment is around and available.

Looking forward to meeting you all in person when I get out there in  


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