[Noisebridge-discuss] QR Codes

Jonathan Lassoff jof at thejof.com
Sun Feb 8 01:35:59 UTC 2009

I've been having a fun time with QR codes. These are 2-dimensional barcodes created for inventory and industrial control that have caught on with mobile marketers in Asia and Austrailia. Old news in Japan at this point :)
Their most common use is for encoding URLs as text or telephone numbers and numerical data for mobile phones to scan and act on.

I stumbled on some writing about using QR Code tags and mobile reader software as meatspace hyperlinks and immediately had to experiment.
Ideas for use:
 - tag a physical object with a tag encoding a unique URL that can be assigned to redirect (e.g. tag encodes 'https://www.noisebridge.net/hardlink/0c41a92b0e', this page 301's to https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/LED_Sign)
 - Wayfinding markers. I've printed a couple of example tags that I left at 83c. They're sticker-rectangles with a noisebridge logo and a QR code that encodes '37.76553, -122.42048' with the geographical coordinate datatype. With a QR code reader on your phone, you can scan the tag and be brought to a map of the area. (Android/G1 users - check out called 'Barcode Scanner' from Zxing")
 - Tags could encode arbitrary and arbitrarily-long binary-packed data. Print out your encoded public key on business card-sized slip (crypto cards? keying slips?) for handing out in person.

Might anyone else be interested in poking around / using these?
Wiki page is https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/QR_Codes


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