[Noisebridge-discuss] Tomorrow night: ML Wednesday!

Josh Myer josh at joshisanerd.com
Tue Mar 24 22:38:17 UTC 2009

Hey guys, tomorrow night is another machine learning Wednesday!  This
week, we'll be taking last week's perceptron and making its output a
sigmoid.  Once we've done that, we'll move on multilayer perceptrons,
which should let us build full-on neural networks.

For homework, you'll need to code up the following function:

sigmoid(beta, x) = 1/(1+e^(-beta*x))

Here's the vanilla ruby:

def sigmoid(beta, x)
  beta = beta.to_f
  x = x.to_f
  return 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-beta*x))

Happy hacking, see you guys Wednesday!
Josh Myer   650.248.3796
  josh at joshisanerd.com

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