[Noisebridge-discuss] MakerBeams

Sam Putman atmanistan at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 18:46:53 UTC 2009


I wanted to introduce myself and a project I'm working on. I'm Sam
Putman, I used to live at the Cakebread Castle so I know a number of
you: Ian, Jake, Nicole, Audrey and Qarly to stick to people I've
actualy lived with.

Anyway, I'm working on a hackworthy project, and I wanted to let you
know about it. It's called Makerbeam htpp://makerbeam.com, and it's an
open-source component project. There's a lot of info on the site, and
more here at Evil Mad Scientist:


I've been hesitant to bring it up on the list; I know a number of you
but I've been to Noisebridge itself all of twice, and there's a fine
line between "look at this interesting project" and a sales pitch. Now
that we've raised enough money to do the project, our success doesn't
hinge on further pledges, so I figured I'd show you what's up and let
you decide if you're interested.

The entire project is open source hardware and we've put up several
printable models on Thingiverse.

If you're interested individually or as a collective in backing the
project, you've got another 8 days to do it. We're planning to sell to
the public starting at Maker Faire, so this is the chance to get your
hands on some MakerBeam and connectors between now and May.

In whatever case, I'd love for Noisebridge to be involved as this
project goes forward. When the beam arrives we want to have a meetup
to show it off and give people a chance to play with it right away;
perhaps Noisebridge would be interested in hosting?

If none of this made any sense to you, the bottom line is: MakerBeam =
 badass open-source robots. Thanks for reading!

-Sam Putman.

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