[Noisebridge-discuss] Be Excellent to one another

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Wed Oct 28 05:27:10 UTC 2009

At our meeting this evening we discussed some ways in which Noisebridge
has fallen short, recently, of our goals of mutual excellence.

>From the meeting notes:

> Non-excellent behavior and you. (e.g. smoking pot on the fire escape,
> breaking shit for the sake of breaking shit, sleeping at Noisebridge,
> failing to clean up, being drunk and disorderly, partying, talking to
> people well past their level of interest.) 

So in bullet format:

 - Please don't smoke on the fire escape (either pot or tobacco).  The
   smoke inevitably comes into the space, we have asthmatic members and
   members who are allergic to cannabis, and the neighbors snicker at us
   on twitter for violating federal law in plain view of the public in a
   space operated by a 501(c)3 charity.

(please don't bother talking to me about cannabis legalization and
federal prosecution guidelines, unless you're letting me know that THC
has been descheduled.)

 - Please don't bust shit up at Noisebridge -- including throwing shit
   off the fire escape -- because it annoys people, is destructive, and
   sets a bad precedent.  (Rubin apologized, at the meeting, for
   throwing a hard drive off the fire escape to make a point about
   e-waste; several people found his behavior off-putting and overly

 - Please don't sleep at Noisebridge overly much.  Noisebridge is not a
   residential space.  If you're not paying rent somewhere else because
   you're sleeping at Noisebridge, you're doing it wrong.

   This is not to attempt to prohibit people from napping (or whatever
   you want to call it) at Noisebridge -- that would neither be
   excellent to the unfortunate member who missed the last BART, nor
   would it be feasible to attempt to enforce such a rule.

 - Please clean up (after yourself, before your project, after others,
   et cetera).  There are many ways to clean up; if you can't think of
   a way to contribute, ask me or Rubin -- or frankly, anyone in the

 - Please don't be drunk and disorderly at Noisebridge.  It sucks for
   people who are not drunk, and especially people who are trying to get
   work done.

 - Similarly, if you're going to have a party, have it somewhere else.
   Unless, of course, you're entertaining a dozen of Europe's finest
   hackers and the party involves a Makerbot, a Hexapod, and designing a
   new ISA for opencores.org.

 - Please don't buttonhole people and talk at them incessantly for hours
   on end as they attempt to escape with increasingly frantic social

Finally, please do create and hack.


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